What Does Your Phone Say About You?
We live in an age when
our phones are increasingly becoming extensions of ourselves. Now don’t freak
out. We’re not full-blown cyborgs (yet). But the next time you’re in a crowded
area, do us a favor: Count how many people around you are on their phones, talking,
texting, reading, photographing, or shaving (android users only). It’s an
epidemic, people!
But rather than fight it,
you might as well accept that resistance is futile.
Smartphones are here to
stay, and whether we like it or not, we have become the pawns in a holy war
being waged by the major mobile companies intent on world domination. The
question then becomes: What kind of pawn are you? Are you assertive and forward
thinking? Are you a lifelong follower bent on turning a new leaf? Are you a
closet Luddite who just wants to be accepted? Let us weigh in. You will soon
find out. We eat with them beside us, some of us sleep with them in our beds,
others even feel naked when they leave the house without theirs,
It's not just an
accessory — your cell phone sends major messages about who you are!
It wasn’t that long ago
that placing your phone on a dinner table or answering a call in the middle of
a real-life conversation was considered a complete no-no. But such is the
popularity of mobile devices these days, things have changed.
Now, it’s okay to stare
at your smartphone. And pulling your phone out at a party isn’t seen as
antisocial, especially if you’re about to take a selfie.
However, while you don’t
need to worry quite so much about phone etiquette, research suggests that by
simply looking at the type of device you own people can tell a lot about you.
It can apparently indicate your personality, your habits and even your career
So what does your smartphone say about you? a few key facts
reveal it all.
For starters there is a new kid on the block as we love to call it. This is the Infinix brand, If you own this gadget then you probably know that this is a quality gadget for people who love new classy things. You are probably one of those people who like getting quality for their money. The phone is quite affordable compared to other phones with the same quality, you are probably one of those people who enjoy quality and trendy gadgets and you still able to be comfortable with your finances.
If you’ve got an Android device then you’ll be comfortable with all things techie. Perhaps a bit of a visionary, you’re not afraid to try new things. You scoff at those who only use their phones for archaic things like “making phone calls” and “text messaging". Finally, your obsession with technology, computers and maths has paid off. You’ve been given the keys to an exclusive club of ambitious young visionaries whose propensity for calculus and all things techie might actually get you laid.
Got a BlackBerry? You’re
likely to be well organized, efficient and a hard-working professional. You
want to be taken seriously by your peers. You think iPhone users are overgrown
children who would rather spend their time throwing birds across a landscape
and giving their friends double chins than doing actual work. You were probably
part of a fraternity in college, spent most of your time doing key stands and
urinating off balconies, and want to make up for lost time. Now that your dad's
got you a swell job as a banker, the dozen or so emails you send out a day make
you feel like a real live adult, even though the real reason you love your
blackberry is its utter facilitation of the late-night booty call. Just
remember: She likes you for your money.haha!
Have an iPhone in your
pocket? You’re probably creative, impulsive and on top of the latest trends.And
generally you are one of those people who think that there is no better brand
of phones yet.
Are you a Samsung fan?
You’re supposedly 70% more likely to be interested in yoga for exercise than
running. Funny as it may sound but its actually right,
LG users are typically
gamers who can be found on their X-Box when they’re not on their phone. This phone has typically the best games that will attract all the gamers that I know out there.
Like your dance music?
You’ve probably got a Motorola. If you have a liking for house music like myself then you know exactly what Iam taking about. This is a party monster specifically for loud music lovers.
The findings may be a load of nonsense, but it’s definitely a bit of fun. Take a look at the smartphones your friends and family own and make up your own mind. And of course this is not exhaustive.
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