The Curse Of Africa
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I like traveling a lot and I was lucky to travel to the democratic republic of Congo. I also happened to go alone. To say the truth this country has been mentioned in a lot of civil strife over the has never been a stable nation thanks to warlords trying to control its numerous resources. You will be surprised to find out that their motto is justice and peace. But one would innocently ask why is there fighting in this country. It is also one of the richest countries in terms of resources with gold taking the lions share. The national GDP was estimated to be about $13.125billion per capita in 2010.But ironically there are so many poor people in that country than you can imagine, with no or very little social amenities. The question to ask is why?
The answer is really simple, impunity and insecurity. Of course we can’t leave out corruption. Many African countries are busily using all their limited resources fighting off a group of militias who are fighting for only God knows what. We simply do not understand the right channels to go through so as to solve a crisis. I think we need to learn a few tips from our European counterparts. We believe that only violence will give us justice. Almost if not all the countries in Africa have experienced some form of violence, some even leading to loss off lives of so many innocent people a good example would be the Rwandan genocide that claimed almost a million innocent lives. Our nearest neighbors, Somalia have been fighting for almost 20 years.
The incumbent presidents or rather leaders have had a great role to play in all this. Why would a person want to remain in power for the rest of his life while they claim to be exercising democracy? Some have even changed the constitutions in order to fit their mean ambitions at the expense of their citizens. People really like to see change but while we continue to support this people I don’t see it coming any time soon. All the disguise elections eventually lead to violence. I think people in Ivory Coast. Kenya, Egypt, Libya and Zimbabwe will definitely agree with me, at least if you are really a visionary person. The bloody coups like the one which saw our foreign affairs minister trapped in a hotel for a few days during an official visit to that country really make us less competitive with the rest of other countries of the world.
While we are busy concentrating our so limited resources in reverting all these, our economies continue to sour, That’s when our children never go to school, that’s when farmers don’t plant. The outcome is always devastating. We become poorer and poorer while our western counterparts continue to prosper. They even laugh at us if you may ask me.They will even pretend to support us but in the end they reap the benefits, after all we are just the the third world.
But there is hope, so much hope; we only need to start thinking right. Think of the consequences of all this rather than the benefits. Let’s concentrate on building our countries for many years to come. It’s never really too late to begin. Talk to your friends about this and I can assure you that when we really begin to understand that fighting for an individual in the name of a supporter is foolishness. I hope you will begin to think straight after reading this. `
Yeah man!