What Would You Do in Such a Situation?

Imagine you are late for an interview. In this case I mean really late. You only have like a few minutes before the deadline. Your life depends madly on this job. At home you are the first born and everyone is banking on your job for survival. You meet a man who has badly been injured and there is no one to be of any assistance, just you. You are also on foot! Saving this man would be the best thing to do, but on the other hand it would mean you will never get that job, in that company to be precise. So what would you do? Would you walk away and have time for the interview or would you help the man in need. Well in depends on you. Just think about this for a second.

It’s on 1stApril. Well you all know this day, but not all of you. Let me try and remind you for you who might have forgotten. Its day of the fools, I mean not you but for lying. Sounds funny don’t you think. Well that’s not the point am trying to bring home. You are late from work and you really want to surprise your girlfriend back home. You even bought her a nice gift. Reaching home, you walk into your bedroom and there you find her naked in bed with your best friend. On the floor is a used condom. On seeing you they shout, “APRIL FOOLS DAY!’ What would you do? Well I don’t want to know, at least not for now

Sister Blessing Akinyi, the church gossip and self –appointed arbiter of the church’s morals kept sticking her nose in the other members’ private lives. Church members were unappreciative of her activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence. She made a mistake,however,when she accused Elder Mwokovu wa Jehovah,of being an alcoholic after she saw his pickup truck parked in front of Mama Pima ‘s Yokozuna bar and restaurant in Muthurwa one afternoon.She said its obvious that anyone seeing his pickup truck would know what he was doing. Elder Njuguna, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just walked away. He didn’t explain, defend, or deny; he said nothing. Later that evening, Elder Mwokovu Njuguna quietly parked his pickup truck in front of Sister Akinyi’s house and left it there till day break. Question is if you are Sister Blessing Akinyi, what will you do?

You are a member of the police, in this case the secret service, the CIA or even the anti terrorist unit. You have sworn under oath to protect your country at all costs. Nothing should come first before your country, not even your own family breaking your oath would guarantee you being charged with treason and we all know that is not the best experience you would want. Now it happens that on this day you are seated with your expectant wife at home chatting over so many niceties. You don’t even want to think about your work at such a great time. Suddenly your sweet wife begins to bleed, a sign that the baby is coming, At least you are going to become a dad again. Have in mind that her last delivery she had to be operated. At this time there is no one at home. Suddenly as you are busy putting her in the car your phone rings from work. A terrorist has been spotted near your area and you are required immediately to help in his arrest. Well, would you leave your wife in that condition or would you respond to the call of duty.Don't also forget that you are not able to call for help or an ambulance at least not today; it had to be that way. Do you have the answer to this one? I hope so.

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