When Will This Ever Become History?

The other day I was traveling to my rural home alone. There were a few projects I was accomplishing knowing too well that that would earn me a good name in the village. That was not the only reason I was doing that though. I think I am also among the many people who spent many days without visiting their homes for various reasons. Some fear the many people they will meet and the only thing they ask is to buy them drinks. Of course, by doing that severally you will earn yourself a title of a mayor, a councilor or even a governor. Not that these people will ever vote for you if you ever vied for such a position. In fact nobody will ever try to recognize you in the ballot. I know of a friend of mine who tried that and he swore to me that he will never fall a victim to such fellows again. They are only your friends in the drinking dens.

Well, that’s not the point I wanted to make. I was cuddled up on the back seat with at least four other guys on a seat that was supposed to carry a maximum of three guys. I cannot remember how many people were in the 14 seater matatu but all I know is that it was a very good number. I almost suffocated but the rest were very comfortable. I think they enjoyed being that way. The air was really awful with a lot of noise that I never imagined would exist in such a place. I thought that maybe we would pass a police roadblock and the driver or rather his counterpart would at least be held responsible for their inhumane actions but I was about to be shocked later on.

With the vehicle speeding and being driven dangerously I could say very little since I knew that nobody would ever listen to me as they were really enjoying the nasty ride and in fact some were cheering the driver on. I wished time would fly so I could get off the vehicle. Luckily we reached the roadblock and I thought I could breathe a sigh of relief. Luckily I was seated next to the window and I therefore could have a better view of what was happening outside. I thought this was the time for the driver and his friend to pay. The guy in blue surely came around and pretended to be checking the insurance on the vehicle.He also pretended to check inside and to my amazement he smiled at the conductor. Then as the vehicle was heading away he was handed I think a one hundred note in a very smart way that nobody with an extra eye could notice. The vehicle sped off. I just wondered all the way home. If these were the things still happening on our roads then we will never get tired of listening to news about accidents on our roads.

 I later came to learn that this was a routine. Well, I decided to prepare my self for such scenes on my next visits and never to stay too long in the city so I would never be shocked the way I was on that day. But I really hope that this will not go on for another long time without something being done about it..just hoping against hope

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