Good or Evil?
Sometimes when I am really tired and has nothing else to do, I always sit down and try to think about endless problems affecting our country and other parts of the world.But Kenya is where I always focus because am a complete patriot. I always wonder how life would look like without all these influential people around us. Would that be a good thing or a complete disaster? I don’t know either but I think there is always a way.Well,sit back and wait to hear what I think.
Just take for instance the incitement brought upon by these so called influential minds in the name of politicians.yeah, they always have an upper hand in things to do with the law. For instance whenever they do wrong you will never hear that they have spend a day in custody. They only stay there for a few minutes or so and this I bet to think is always for formality. Am reminded to believe that the case would be far much different for you and me.Thats what I mean by having an upper hand far much better than you and me.The question is do we really understand all this?
These incitements bring about a lot of despicable and unfathomable misfortunes to the ordinary you and will kill your own brother just because some one with an upper hand has ordered you to do so.Do you really come to think about the consequences there after.You will lose so much while that so called Mr. know it all does not even suffer a scratch.If you ask me he does not really care.After all he is among the high and mighty.While you will be busy counting your many irreversible losses,the guy will be locked up in a leafy five star hotel somewhere whiling away time,never even thinking about you even for only a fraction of a second.What will be in his/her insensible mind will be how many millions are currently tripling into an offshore account somewhere.How he is going to secure that lucrative contract that he has so much been waiting for so long.
You only have to look or rather reminisce at what happens in our countries during and after elections to begin and understand at least what am talking about.People are busily bailing for each others blood simply because of a candidate they really support.So much that they end up even killing their own families and even their closest friends.People that really mean a lot to them.What a shame that we bring upon ourselves?
While doing all this you might begin to think about any good thing that the so called candidate you are fighting so much for does for you.He never brings any food to your am sorry to say ever demanding table or at least he never will.To make matters worse he doesn’t even know you,not even your face..This guy does not even know how tiny your house looks like let alone the rough side of life you are gong through.Your children are ever sent home for fees but your so called candidate is never available during such times,the time that at least you might need him the most. I don’t think he supplies your account with a monthly allowance if you really have one.In simple English he doesn’t know how you live your life and he will never want to know.He never understands the harshness of walking to work for a few coins per day like you do because he would never really understand why. He would never understand why your house has no electricity, a master bedroom, internet, a home theater, Jacuzzi, gym, fridge and so on because that is what he sees every other day.
I think now you understand what am saying or at least you are trying to, which is a really good sign. tags dailyblog The Kenyan kid
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