This is just but a tip of the iceberg of what am talking about,

ME: Hi
You: Hi
Me: How was your day?
You: It was k
Me: Mine was awesome
You: Silence……

If I remember my English classes well, for an effective conversation to run smoothly it’s apparent that both parties participate. Regardless of how shitty or grisly your day was, ignoring the person on the other end is really so unfathomable and totally disgusting.

Take for instance if you were really in high spirits and wanted to deliver some good news to the other person. But the moment you start the conversation, you are met with lots of ‘K’ and some really short answers that just totally turn you away. If you ask me if it was a job you were being offered there is no chance for you getting it. Not a whisker. As I recall my chemistry classes well K was a symbol for a chemical called Potassium . Whatever it does in conversations these days I have no freaking idea. Let’s just say we have really evolved. We are in a crazy generation as my parents would say.

It’s usually cool not to drag your mood into a conversation. Better still you can always excuse yourself for not being in the mood at that time. The other person is only human and will surely understand. It’s so silly ruining the other person’s day or mood with your stupid attitude. It’s like a teacher or lecturer arguing with the wife in the morning and coming to vent leftovers of the anger on the innocent students. Everybody becomes pissed. The message home is to keep some of your problems to yourself and not ruin other people’s moods. Besides we all got our problems.

If I text you at 7pm there is no reason why you should text back two hours later and to make matters worse in a one word. The least you can do is include your apology and at least give any fake reason. You kept me waiting on the other end remember, and there is no reason why you should act like a boss with the don’t care attitude. Some people go take a shower, iron, talk to a neighbor, feed a pet, rush to town before remembering to reply back. The mood is already gone. Actually the best way to deal with it is to excuse yourself and let the other person know that you won’t be able to text back fast enough.

Finally, chatting, texting, having a conversation is a two way thing. Save for when you are giving a speech that’s when you become the bigger boss. Don’t ignore the other person because it wouldn’t be fun if you are the one being ignored. Its not like a doctor patient conversation or teacher to student affair where by the other person gets to ask the question and you get to answer. Further, it’s not an interview. It’s for both parties to participate and not make it look like a one sided affair. If I ask you how your day was its only prudent that you tell me how it was and ask me how mine was. You don’t answer and expect me to tell you how mine was. HAVE A SPLENDID CONVERSATIONAL TIME, WONT YOU?


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