• Imagen 1 Good or Evil?
    Sometimes when I am really tired and has nothing else to do, I always sit down and try to think about endless problems affecting our country

Friend Zoned Signs!

Signs that you have seriously been friendzoned
Its all over the internet, social media and everyone won’t stop talking about it. Friend zone is a guy’s nightmare and no guy wants to end up in that scary zone with a woman he’s very much into.
The only thing worse than landing in the friend zone however, is landing there when you didn’t see it coming.
The signs are pretty obvious though but just in case her love has blinded your sight, these are the signs that you are on your way to the dreaded friend zone or worse that you are already there.

1. She tries to hook you up- a woman who wants a man will not try to hook him up with other women. An average woman is naturally jealous to see what is hers or should be hers go off to someone else. So when she constantly tries to hook you up with other women, forget it, she’s friend zoning you.

2. She prefers when you hangout in the company of others- anytime you suggest that you both hangout, she calls other friends to come join you just so she’s not alone with you.
If a woman is into you, she would like alone moments. You know just to have that special time with you. But when she constantly asks the whole crew to hangout with you both? Forget it. Friendzone is calling.

3. She tries to find excuses- when you try to finally get her alone she takes her time to respond. And when she finally does she says “er…uhm…friday night? Er…that’s a long time…I’d get back to you”. When a woman wants to see you, she doesn’t need to think about it before she says yes. She’d look forward to the next time and would have been praying silently that you ask before you do such that when you ask, her answer is a quick yes. If it takes time or she asks to call you regarding it and she never even calls? Dude you are getting friend zoned.
4. She laughs at your compliments- and looks away, then quickly begins a conversation to steer the conversation in another direction. And you sit there thinking she’s probably just shy? When a woman likes you and wants to be with you, when she hears a compliment, no matter how shy she might be, she’d want that moment to linger. You know, there’d be the eye holding moment, the pause and all that romantic movie things going on.
But when she doesn’t care less, she’d just wave it aside,laugh and discuss something random. Like the weather or something.

5. Talks about other guys- if she has turned you to one of her girlfriends by running to you with her man issues? Don’t even think it, she’s totally friendzoned you and you should be running for your dear life!


This is just but a tip of the iceberg of what am talking about,

ME: Hi
You: Hi
Me: How was your day?
You: It was k
Me: Mine was awesome
You: Silence……

If I remember my English classes well, for an effective conversation to run smoothly it’s apparent that both parties participate. Regardless of how shitty or grisly your day was, ignoring the person on the other end is really so unfathomable and totally disgusting.

Take for instance if you were really in high spirits and wanted to deliver some good news to the other person. But the moment you start the conversation, you are met with lots of ‘K’ and some really short answers that just totally turn you away. If you ask me if it was a job you were being offered there is no chance for you getting it. Not a whisker. As I recall my chemistry classes well K was a symbol for a chemical called Potassium . Whatever it does in conversations these days I have no freaking idea. Let’s just say we have really evolved. We are in a crazy generation as my parents would say.

It’s usually cool not to drag your mood into a conversation. Better still you can always excuse yourself for not being in the mood at that time. The other person is only human and will surely understand. It’s so silly ruining the other person’s day or mood with your stupid attitude. It’s like a teacher or lecturer arguing with the wife in the morning and coming to vent leftovers of the anger on the innocent students. Everybody becomes pissed. The message home is to keep some of your problems to yourself and not ruin other people’s moods. Besides we all got our problems.

If I text you at 7pm there is no reason why you should text back two hours later and to make matters worse in a one word. The least you can do is include your apology and at least give any fake reason. You kept me waiting on the other end remember, and there is no reason why you should act like a boss with the don’t care attitude. Some people go take a shower, iron, talk to a neighbor, feed a pet, rush to town before remembering to reply back. The mood is already gone. Actually the best way to deal with it is to excuse yourself and let the other person know that you won’t be able to text back fast enough.

Finally, chatting, texting, having a conversation is a two way thing. Save for when you are giving a speech that’s when you become the bigger boss. Don’t ignore the other person because it wouldn’t be fun if you are the one being ignored. Its not like a doctor patient conversation or teacher to student affair where by the other person gets to ask the question and you get to answer. Further, it’s not an interview. It’s for both parties to participate and not make it look like a one sided affair. If I ask you how your day was its only prudent that you tell me how it was and ask me how mine was. You don’t answer and expect me to tell you how mine was. HAVE A SPLENDID CONVERSATIONAL TIME, WONT YOU?

That Chewing Gum You Like So Much

I love gum myself for starters. Its one thing that really takes care of your mouths freshness like all the time. But as they say everything good has some of its side effects. As you chew your gum please take a closer look at some of its side effects.

Originally, chewing gum was made from tree sap but today's commercial brands are loaded with harmful ingredients and chemicals.

The modern day chewing gums are made of four major ingredients including synthetic rubber, plastic, sugar, and coloring (dye). Modern day gums are produced from synthetic polymers such as styrene-butadiene rubbers and polyvinyl acetate. The final product is composed of 60% sugar, 20% corn syrup, and only 20% actual gum material.

If you're chewing gum you are chewing rubber and plastic. Chewing gum is known as a harmless cultural tradition but it contains many properties that may be hazardous to our health.

Today's chewing gums and bubble gums are predominantly sugar by volume. Seventy to eighty percent of most gums on the market today are sheer vehicles for sugar, the number one drug on the planet. Just as cigarettes are a conveyor for the addictive drug "nicotine", so is gum for sugar.

There is great danger in chewing gum due to numerous toxic and poisonous chemicals used as ingredients. There are several common ingredients in gum that are harmful to human health.

Brief History of the Origin of Modern Gum

The first recorded history of mixing a gum with sugar can be traced to the Arab sugar traders who mixed the sugar with acacia, known as "gum Arabic."

In 1850, modern commercial chewing gum originated in Bangor, Maine.

In 1859, Thomas Adams of New York used "chicle," the dried latex material of the sapodilla tree in Central America, to make chewing gum. Adams received a patent in 1871 for "chicle gum."

In 1885, William J. White of Cleveland, Ohio further refined and improved gum by adding corn syrup and flavoring the gum with peppermint, making it very successful.

In 1893, William Wrigley invented Juicy Fruit and Spearmint gums, greatly improving chewing gum.

In 1900, Frank Fleer of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania placed a hard shell on gum and called in Chiclets. In 1906 Fleer would also go on to invent Bubble Gum and an employee of the Frank H. Fleer Company, Walter Diemer, invented the pink colored Double Bubble, bubble gum.


Aspartame, a known carcinogen, is a neurotoxin. It converts into formaldehyde when exposed to heat above eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit. This means that aspartame converts into formaldehyde when inside the human body.

Aspartame is absorbed by the buccal mucosa of the mouth, gums, and the tongue-making it even more dangerous than if injected intravenously. By passing the spinal cord and the blood-brain barrier when absorbed in the mouth, the aspartame goes directly into the brain. The smallest amount of aspartame can be very dangerous and damaging.

When aspartame is ingested into the digestive tract, it breaks down into numerous other poisons. Most Americans are unaware that the candy, gum, and soft drinks that they consume, contain aspartame.


Saccharin is another known carcinogen. Government studies have linked the use of saccharin to bladder cancer since 1971, which led to forcing manufacturers to place warnings on any product that contained saccharin. Unfortunately, in 2000, the government decided that the link to cancer was less of a concern to humans than to rats, so the label warning requirement was repealed.

Regardless of the legislation, saccharin should also be avoided at all costs.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

High fructose corn syrup is prominent in highly processed foods and is a toxic food ingredient. The commercial food industry promotes the use of high fructose corn syrup because it is cheap to produce.

It can be found in everything soda, bread, candy, gum, commercial fruit juices, and even meat. Introduced into the American food supply as a cheap alternative to sugar, high fructose corn syrup is a booming business.

It has become increasing more difficult to find a processed food product without high fructose corn syrup. After carbonated water, it is the leading ingredient in soda beverages. It has been found that drinking soda may increase Type 2 diabetes and is also responsible for tooth decay.

High fructose corn syrup is also found in most chocolate drinks, condiments, ice cream, bakery goods, yogurt, and cereal.

High fructose corn syrup masquerades under the name of crystalline fructose in flavored waters and energy drinks.

The human body does not metabolize high fructose corn syrup. In fact, it disables the body's ability to recognize when its full and instead, increases a person's appetite. By digesting high fructose corn syrup, you are increasing your risk for metabolic syndrome, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It increases your risk of developing a serious disease and it not recommended.

When fructose is consumed, the uric acid in the bloodstream rises and blocks insulin. Insulin regulates how the both will use and store sugar for energy. If uric acid levels are high, serious health risks may develop over time including high blood pressure, obesity, and elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Other Sweeteners

Gums will also contain other sugars denoted with the suffix "-ose" and/or "-ol". These harmful sugars include gluc(ose), sucr(ose), dextr(ose), fruct(ose), mannit(ol), sorbit(ol), malit(ol), and xylit(ol). All of these sugars are suspect. Your '-ose' ending sugars are derived from fruits and your '-ol' ending sugars are derived from grains or even wood.

Next to real fructose, Xylitol would be the safest or least harmful to use.

Color Lake Dyes

The various 'color lake' dyes such as blue lake, green lake, red lake, and yellow lake are all derived from petroleum and are known to be dangerous due to its carcinogenic properties. Normally used for textile dying, lake dyes are industrial agents.

Petroleum is derived from rocks or stones. Even though rocks are not typically considered a food product, they become one when you use petroleum to make gum. Believe it or not, the federal government actually defines chewing gum as food.

Gum is made from synthetic rubber and plastic and therefore cannot be assimilated by the human body nor do they provide essential nutrients. Therefore this food product cannot repair the body, promote growth of the body, or maintain the human body. Therefore, gum should not be considered a food product.

Also, the artificial sweeteners used in most commercial gums are 200-300 times sweeter than regular sugar. The petroleum-based lake dyes are derived from rocks and should not be considered food. The body cannot digest gum and even if it could, gum does not provide any essential nutrients that the body can benefit from. It does not repair, nourish, or sustain the human body.

BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene)

The chemical BHT is used as a preservative in gum. It is also found in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, petroleum fluid, jet fuel, and embalming fluid. In some cases, gum will contain two embalming fluids, aspartame and BHT.

Habitual Chewing

Due to the constant chewing and grinding of the teeth, chewing gum destroys the teeth. Some people believe that chewing gum strengthens your teeth but this is certainly not the case. Some brands may provide less harmful products with minimal sugar, but all of them are harmful to the teeth.

Chewing gum promotes the desire to continuously eat. Gum causes the body to produce digestive juices (hydrochloric acid) in preparation of eating solid food, which can lead to digestive problems.

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot whiten teeth by chewing gum. All those brands that purport to whiten teeth while chewing gum are simply exploiting people with stained teeth whose teeth most likely became stained from drinking soda pop, drinking coffee, and/or smoking cigarettes.

tags  The Kenyan Kid       Medical blog

Good or Evil?

Sometimes when I am really tired and has nothing else to do, I always sit down and try to think about endless problems affecting our country and other parts of the world.But Kenya is where I always focus because am a complete patriot. I always wonder how life would look like without all these influential people around us. Would that be a good thing or a complete disaster? I don’t know either but I think there is always a way.Well,sit back and wait to hear what I think.
Just take for instance the incitement brought upon by these so called influential minds in the name of politicians.yeah, they always have an upper hand in things to do with the law. For instance whenever they do wrong you will never hear that they have spend a day in custody. They only stay there for a few minutes or so and this I bet to think is always for formality. Am reminded to believe that the case would be far much different for you and me.Thats what I mean by having an upper hand far much better than you and me.The question is do we really understand all this?
These incitements bring about a lot of despicable  and unfathomable misfortunes to the ordinary you and me.you will kill your own brother just because some one with an upper hand has ordered you to do so.Do you really come to think about the consequences there after.You will lose so much while that so called Mr. know it all does not even suffer a scratch.If you ask me he does not really care.After all he is among the high and mighty.While you will be busy counting your many irreversible losses,the guy will be locked up in a leafy five star hotel somewhere whiling away time,never even thinking about you even for only a fraction of a second.What will be in his/her insensible mind will be how many millions are currently tripling into an offshore account somewhere.How he is going to secure that lucrative contract that he has so much been waiting for so long.
You only have to look or rather reminisce at what happens in our countries during and after elections to begin and understand at least what  am talking about.People are busily bailing for each others blood simply because of a candidate they really support.So much that they end up even killing their own families and even their closest friends.People that really mean a lot to them.What a shame that we bring upon ourselves?
While doing all this you might begin to think about any good thing that the so called candidate you are fighting so much for does for you.He never  brings any food to your am sorry to say ever demanding table or at least he never will.To make matters worse he doesn’t even know you,not even your face..This guy does not even know how tiny your house looks like let alone the rough side of life you are gong through.Your children are ever sent home for fees but your so called candidate is never available during such times,the time that at least you might need him the most. I don’t think he supplies your account with a monthly allowance if you really have one.In simple English he doesn’t know how you live your life and he will never want to know.He never understands the harshness of walking to work for a few coins per day like you do because he would never really understand why. He would never understand why your house has no electricity, a master bedroom, internet, a home theater, Jacuzzi, gym, fridge and so on because that is what he sees every other day.
I think now you understand what am saying or at least you are trying to, which is a really good sign. tags
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